dilluns, 19 de maig del 2014

The Big Challenge was here!

Yes ladies and gentlemen!

Last Tuesday (May the 13th) some brave volunteers took the Big Challenge contest!

This contest is organized at European level, and it includes questions related to the English grammar an culture. Our students might win several prizes, from English readers to English Summer courses!

The final results will be published at the beginning of June on the official website of the contests.

 We are sure you did it great! 

Congratulations, boys and girls!

dilluns, 5 de maig del 2014

Literary contest winners (4th ESO)

Do you want to read the 4th ESO texts which won the literary contest?

Click on the links to the student's blogs!

1st Prize -> Ana García ...  A different St. George's story
2nd Prize -> Marc Bazán ... Futuristic story
Special Mention -> Camila Cazorla ... The other side of the story
