divendres, 19 de desembre del 2014

Oliver Twist

The 3rd of ESO students are making a project before Christmas.

What are they doing? They are reading and adapted version of Oliver Twist. Meanwhile, they are doing their own version of the story by means of summaries and, in the end, they will give their personal opinion.

Don't you know Oliver Twist? Here you have an original explanation of the story produced by Year 4 of Lord Deramores Primary School in York, United Kingdom.

The Perks of being a wall-flower

Our 4th of ESO students have been watching and working "The perks of being a wallflower" movie, and we strongly recommend it!

dimecres, 10 de desembre del 2014

What do you know about Celtic Culture?

Our 4th ESO students have been investigating.
Do you want to see what they found out? Then click on the names under the images.

Maelly Marques                                               Adrián Rodríguez


dimecres, 19 de novembre del 2014

Halloween stories!

Do you want to read some of the Halloween stories that the students of 4th of ESO made?

Here you have three good examples!

dijous, 23 d’octubre del 2014

Hello Once again!

A new school year began not so long ago, but Halloween is already here!

The 4th of ESO students are preparing tasks related to the topic: investigations about Halloween, watching and listening to Thriller, writing horror stories... 

Do you want to know more? 

Then go to aru-laru-english.blogspot.com.es There, you can see the task they have to do! 

And if you click the "All the blogs" tab, you can see our students' blogs!

dilluns, 19 de maig del 2014

The Big Challenge was here!

Yes ladies and gentlemen!

Last Tuesday (May the 13th) some brave volunteers took the Big Challenge contest!

This contest is organized at European level, and it includes questions related to the English grammar an culture. Our students might win several prizes, from English readers to English Summer courses!

The final results will be published at the beginning of June on the official website of the contests.

 We are sure you did it great! 

Congratulations, boys and girls!

dilluns, 5 de maig del 2014

Literary contest winners (4th ESO)

Do you want to read the 4th ESO texts which won the literary contest?

Click on the links to the student's blogs!

1st Prize -> Ana García ...  A different St. George's story
2nd Prize -> Marc Bazán ... Futuristic story
Special Mention -> Camila Cazorla ... The other side of the story


dilluns, 28 d’abril del 2014

Planning holidays!

Our 3rd of ESO students have been planning their holidays.
Do you want to see what they are going to do?
Watch these two examples!

David Calvo, 3rd D

Marina Aragón, 3rd D

dimarts, 18 de març del 2014

Saint George's task!

Sant Jordi 2014 Literary Contest

The Prize for Literature will be awarded to the winners in the following categories:

1st Category:
1st & 2nd ESO
Participants are asked to write a Comic related to:
a) The Legend of St. George and the Dragon.
b) Books.
c) Roses.

2nd Category:
3rd ESO and 4th ESO
Participants are asked to write (150-300 words) either:
a) A Flash Fiction Story related to literature, the legend of saint George or the rose as a character.
b) A Love Letter.

3rd Category:
1st and 2nd Batxillerat
Participants are asked to write (150-300 words) either:
a) A Flash Fiction Story related to literature.
b) A Love Letter.

If students typewrite their writings, the font must be Arial 12 with double spacing.
The deadline for all entries is 7h April 2013.

We look forward to reading your work!

dimecres, 26 de febrer del 2014

Love is... in the air?

Valentine's day was here!

And some students made very interesting videos showing different love stories!

Do you want to watch some of them?

 If you want to watch many others, you only have to check this list of student's blogs and choose the student you want!!

dilluns, 10 de febrer del 2014

Cleverpants... again!

As every year, our students have been to the theater. We've gone to the Auditori María i Feliu to watch different plays offered by the Cleverpants company.

In three different sessions, the ESO student's have watched What's up Romeo. A modernized and funny version of the classic Romeo and Juliet including music, mobile phones and a lot of jokes!

On the other hand, our Batxillerat students have enjoyed another version of a different classic, Pride and Prejudice.

We really hope they liked it!

Strange sports

Are you interested in alternative sports or strange sportive traditions?

Our 4th ESO students have been investigating, and here you have two good examples.

Capoeria around the world, by Elena Azorín

Bog Snorkelling, by Pol Jiménez

If you want to watch many others, you only have to check this list of student's blogs and choose the student you want!!

diumenge, 26 de gener del 2014

Christmas tasks!!

The 4th of ESO students have made some very interesting videos related to Christmas.

Here you have some examples we find very interesting.

Showing her traditions... Juleisy Cobos (& family), 4th B

Drawing her fantastic Christmas time... Eliane Reyes (4th B)

Having a lot of fun... Alba Serrano & Mar Fernández (4th A)  

If you want to watch many others, you only have to check this list of student's blogs and choose the student you want!!

Long time no see!!!

We haven't posted anything in such a looooong time... sorry!

But the first term was a little bit fast for us!

But we're reade to keep going on with 2014!