dimecres, 26 de febrer del 2014

Love is... in the air?

Valentine's day was here!

And some students made very interesting videos showing different love stories!

Do you want to watch some of them?

 If you want to watch many others, you only have to check this list of student's blogs and choose the student you want!!

dilluns, 10 de febrer del 2014

Cleverpants... again!

As every year, our students have been to the theater. We've gone to the Auditori María i Feliu to watch different plays offered by the Cleverpants company.

In three different sessions, the ESO student's have watched What's up Romeo. A modernized and funny version of the classic Romeo and Juliet including music, mobile phones and a lot of jokes!

On the other hand, our Batxillerat students have enjoyed another version of a different classic, Pride and Prejudice.

We really hope they liked it!

Strange sports

Are you interested in alternative sports or strange sportive traditions?

Our 4th ESO students have been investigating, and here you have two good examples.

Capoeria around the world, by Elena Azorín

Bog Snorkelling, by Pol Jiménez

If you want to watch many others, you only have to check this list of student's blogs and choose the student you want!!