dimarts, 5 de març del 2013

My Fonix experience - By Miquel Vega

On Saturday 2nd of March, I went to ‘THE FONIX’. This is an English contest for people around Catalonia. There were five students of Can Planas high school, each one representing their course. The exam was carried out in the building of INEFC, in Montjuïc Barcelona. I thought that the place was very nice and large enough for so many people doing the exam.
Before the beginning of the exam, I was very nervous although my teachers told me that I should not, because it was not a real exam.
The classroom was huge. The people in charge of the exam explained us the rules and how much time we had. As soon as the exam started, I felt relaxed. The questions were a bit difficult, but the important thing is that I enjoyed a lot the experience.

diumenge, 3 de març del 2013

Yes, we Fonix!

Yesterday, Paula Pérez, Miquel Vega, Ana Pedraza, Marta Vidigal and David Moran took part in the 6th edition of The Fonix. This is an inter-school English contest done in Catalunya. And the students can win several things, such as English courses abroad, Summer camps staying or online English courses
Our students had to go to the INEFC University Building next to the Olimpic Stadium, in Montjuïc, in order to do a 45-60 minutes English test. All of them included a reading comprehension with vocabulary and grammar exercices, as well as a writing. Best wishes for them, and we really hope they pass to the next phase!

Ahir, els nostres estudiants Paula Pérez, Miquel Vega, Ana Pedraza, Marta Vidigal i David Moran van participar a la 6º edició de The Fonix. Es tracta d'un concurs interescolar fet a Catalunya. I els alumnes poden guanyar moltes coses, com ara cursos d'anglès a l'estranger, estances a Summer camps o cursos d'anglès a distància.
Els nostres alumnes van anar a l'edifici universitari de l'INEFC al costat de l'Estadi Olímpic, a Montjuïc, per fer una prova en anglès de 45-60 minuts. Totes incloïen una comprensió lectora amb exercicis de vocabulari i gramàtica, a més d'una redacció. Els desitgem el millor i esperem que passin a la fase següent!


dissabte, 2 de març del 2013

So far...

What have we done so far? 
Què hem fet fins ara?
During this course 2012-2013, the English students have been doing different and interesting activities. If you want to know them, read on!
Durant aquest curs 2012-1013, els alumnes d'anglès han estat fent activitats diverses i interessants. Si vols conèixer-les, continua llegint!

English theater play for all the ESO levels
Obra de teatre en anglès per a tots els nivells d'ESO
The Cleverpants theater company came to the Auditori Maria Feliu to play "Teen trials". It was a three acts play involving teen issues such as love, family and friendship which our students really enjoyed.
La companyia de teatre Cleverpants va venir a l'Auditori Maria Feliu per presentar "Teen trials". Era una obra de teatre en tres actes sobre temes de l'adolescència com ara l'amor, la família i l'amistat que els nostres alumnes van gaudir molt.

English animation for some students
Animació en anglès per a alguns estudiants
Vicens Vives offered in-school animations starring Stuart McDonald for our 3rd of ESO and 1st of Batxillerat students. The animation had to do with love in a very funny and interesting way.
Vicens Vives va oferir animacions dins del centre dutes a terme per StuartMcDonald per als nostres alumnes de 3r d'ESO i 1r de Batxillerat. L'animació tenia a veure amb l'amor d'una forma divertida i interessant.

A comparative and electronic video
Un video comparatiu i electrònic
The 3rd B students made a video with the song Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, by the electronic music group Daft Punk. It was a way of working on comparatives... and having a good time!
Els alumnes de 3rB van fer un vídeo amb la cançó Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger del grup de música electrònica Daft Punk. El vídeo va servir per treballar els comparatius... i també per passar una bona estona!

Does the song ring a bell to you? Don't worry! It's being used on a TV car advertisement now!
Et sona la cançó? No et preocupis! Ara mateix surt a un anunci de cotxes a la tele!